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Xiteb® Order Placing & Collection Mobile App

Track Your Orders & Payment Collections Online

Xiteb® Order Placing & Collection Mobile App helps you to keep a track on your business sales orders and get the payments tracked in one platform

Order Placing & Collection Mobile App
Order Placing & Collection Mobile App

Stand Alone Solution for an Easy Tracking

Struggling with missed orders & aligning your collections realtime basis? Is your customers making complaints on payments where your sales reps use the collections on their personal benefit? Use our platform for few months & experience the difference. No integrations other than the SMS gateway for your convenience.

  • Have proper log on sales orders
  • Keep your customers updated on collected payments
  • Get your sales reps provide on reliable details on collections

Align Your Business with Xiteb® Order Placing & Collection Mobile App

Why should you choose Xiteb® Order Placing & Collection Mobile App for your business?

Xiteb® Order Placing & Collection Mobile App solution allows you to manage sales orders, payments related to your orders, keep your customers have a track on payment settlements through SMSs while providing insightful iterative reports on your sales orders, payments

Order Placing & Collection Mobile App

Interested on Xiteb® Order Placing & Collection Mobile App Solution? Get in Touch with Us

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